Drive45 Car Auctions – Refund Policy

At Drive45, we strive to ensure transparency and customer satisfaction. Our Refund Policy outlines the terms and conditions for requesting a refund on our car auction platform. Please read the following carefully:

1. Deposit Refunds:

  • 1.1 Initial Deposit: A non-refundable initial deposit is required to participate in auctions. This fee covers administrative costs and ensures commitment from participants.
  • 1.2 Winning Bid Deposit: Upon winning an auction, a refundable winning bid deposit is required. This deposit will be refunded in full if the buyer completes the purchase; otherwise, it will cover relisting and administrative expenses.

2. Inspection Period:

  • 2.1 Vehicle Inspection: Buyers have a specified period to inspect the purchased vehicle upon delivery. Any concerns or discrepancies must be reported within this timeframe.
  • 2.2 Refund Eligibility: Refunds may be considered if the vehicle significantly deviates from the listed condition, subject to inspection verification.

3. Refund Process:

  • 3.1 Refund Request: To initiate a refund, buyers must submit a detailed request within the specified timeframe, explaining the reasons for the refund.
  • 3.2 Documentation: Supporting documentation, such as inspection reports and photographic evidence, may be required for refund verification.
  • 3.3 Refund Approval: Refunds are subject to approval based on the validity of the claim. Drive45 reserves the right to assess each case individually.

4. Non-Refundable Fees:

  • 4.1 Administrative Fees: Certain administrative fees, including initial deposits, are non-refundable and cover the costs associated with facilitating auctions and maintaining the platform.

5. Refund Timeframe:

  • 5.1 Processing Time: Refund processing times may vary. Approved refunds will be processed within a reasonable timeframe from the date of approval.

6. Communication:

  • 6.1 Contact Information: For refund inquiries or assistance, please contact our Customer Support team at []. Provide your full name, auction details, and a detailed explanation of the refund request.

7. Policy Modifications:

  • 7.1 Changes: Drive45 reserves the right to modify or update the Refund Policy. Any changes will be communicated to users through the platform and website.

By participating in Drive45 car auctions, users acknowledge and agree to abide by this Refund Policy. We are committed to fair and transparent transactions, and this policy ensures clarity in the refund process.

Last Updated: [24-01-2024]